Personalized Support For Every

Step of Your Journey

At Functional Vitality Health, I understand the deep connection between your symptoms and their root causes. My approach is different – I listen, I understand, and I act. Leveraging the power of comprehensive functional lab testing and personalized nutrition, I don’t just mask symptoms; I target the underlying issues to bring about real change.

1:1 Coaching

Embark on a transformational journey with my signature 4 -month program, The Vitality Method!  A three-step process to vitality: Uncover, Heal, Thrive. Each step is crucial in navigating your path to optimal health. Experience personalized, high-level support and encouragement as we uncover the ROOT CAUSES of health issues! Together we will create a personalized protocol to heal your gut through nutrition, lifestyle modifications, whole body detox, mindset and nervous system regulation work. My approach is rooted in the understanding that true health is more than the absence of disease—it's a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. This program is KEY to achieving the results you deserve!

This Package Includes:

  • 2 Virtual Appointments (Initial Consult & Lab review)
  • Functional Health Evaluation
  • 4 Comprehensive Functional Lab Tests (Stool, Blood, Micronutrients, Genetic Screen)
  • Rapid Relief Protocol 
  • Optional Discounted Whole Body Detox at the end of the program (4 months)
  • Monthly Check-In’s x 3
  • Unlimited Messaging
  • Personalized Healing Protocol with Dietary, Lifestyle, & Supplement Recommendations.
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Foundational Functional 


Imagine a life where overwhelming anxiety, fatigue, and hormonal imbalances are replaced with vibrant energy, balanced wellness, and a profound sense of empowerment over your health. This is not just a vision; it's a tangible reality that awaits you. My approach is personal, comprehensive, and designed to fit into your busy life. You will have  two virtual appointments: the first to understand your health history and current challenges in depth, and the second to delve into the results of advanced functional lab testing. This process allows us to craft a tailored protocol that addresses your specific needs.

This Package includes:

  • 2 Virtual Appointments (Initial Consult & Lab review)
  • Functional Health Evaluation
  • 4 Comprehensive Functional Lab Tests (Stool, Blood, Micronutrients, Genetic Screen)
  • Rapid Relief Protocol
  • Personalized Healing Protocol with Dietary, Lifestyle, & Supplement Recommendations. 



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Whole Body Detox

 By joining the Whole Body Detox, you're not just embarking on a detox journey; you're laying the groundwork for sustained health and achieving the utmost in integrative wellness, all through a scientifically validated supplement protocol. My approach emphasizes the importance of preparing the body's natural drainage pathways for detoxification and enhancing the body's terrain for lasting wellness.

This Package includes:

  • 2 Virtual Appointments (Initial Consult & Lab review)
  • Functional Health Evaluation
  • 3 Comprehensive Functional Lab Tests (Blood, Stool, & Genetic Screen)
  • Whole Body Detox (4 or 9 months)
  • Personalized Healing Protocol with Dietary, Lifestyle, & Supplement Recommendations. 


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